12 Quick Tips to Drive More Dental Leads From Facebook Ads

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12 Quick Tips to Drive More Dental Leads From Facebook Ads

According to Pew research, 68% of the US adult population is on Facebook, making it the most widely-used social media platform in the country aside from YouTube. This means there’s a massive audience of potential dental patients at your disposal who you can reach with Facebook’s highly targeted ads.

Facebook is a valuable channel dental practices can leverage to drive appointments. One of the best ways to do so is to direct ad clicks to a landing page that has prominent click-to-call buttons.

As a dental marketer, you know that calls are a valuable channel for dental practices. In fact, calls convert to revenue 10-15x more than web leads. These Facebook dental marketing ideas will help you generate more phone leads and a higher marketing ROI.

Find the Dental Leads More Likely to Call

Driving dental leads with Facebook starts by getting your newsfeed ads seen by smartphone users. Desktop users can pick up a phone and dial your number, but smartphone users can call you with just a tap of the finger.

Tip 1: Know your audience

Leads who already engaged with your website are highly convertible and respond well to retargeting. But there’s another audience most dental marketers often neglect to retarget — leads who already called their practice, but didn’t schedule an appointment. Retarget them by showing them dental ads for the service they’re interested in that encourage them to call again and book an appointment. The right call tracking solution can provide this data on callers and the insights can be integrated with Facebook Ads Manager.

Use Facebook’s Targeting Tools for Your Dental Ads

In addition to retargeting dental leads who previously engaged with your business, there are several other ways you can leverage Facebook’s sophisticated targeting tools to reach your ideal audience. Go deeper with your Facebook targeting with these tips:

Tip 2: Target local patients with your ads

The majority of dental practices draw clients from within 10 miles of their location. Make your ads more engaging by targeting people who live within 10 miles, adding local flair to your creative, and using a local phone number and address on your landing page.

Tip 3: Personalize dental ads by targeting for life events

Be there when patients need you most by serving ads specific to what is happening in their lives. Thanks to Facebook’s expansive targeting options, you can target based on hyper-specific life events. For example, if someone has recently moved to a new city or started a new job they may also be in need of a new dentist. You could also target newly engaged couples with teeth whitening ads — since they’ll be in a lot of photo opps soon, they might be interested. Get creative with your targeting.

Tip 4: Use interests and behaviors to target your ads

Target Facebook users who have expressed interest in dental-related pages or have purchase behaviors similar to those who are likely to respond to dental offers.

Tip 5: Target lookalike audiences based on online and phone conversions

Facebook’s lookalike audience feature helps you build on your success by finding prospective patients with similar attributes to those who already converted from your ads. Some dental marketers use their call tracking data to build lookalike audiences based on callers who scheduled appointments over the phone. This is an effective way to drive new patients, since over 70% dental patients schedule their first appointment via phone.

Capture Attention With the Right Dental Ads on Facebook

As stated earlier, the most effective way to drive calls from Facebook advertising is to drive visits to your website where you can encourage them to call. But first you have to serve an ad good enough to interrupt scrolling and make someone want to click. Try these tips to drive more clicks on your Facebook ads:

Tip 6: Extend a special offer

Facebook users want special offers. Incentivize them to click your ad by prominently displaying an offer on the ad itself. Then direct the ad to a landing page where you can offer additional details and encourage the prospective patient to call to take advantage of the deal.

Tip 7: Tell a story in your dental ads

According to Facebook, carousel ads consistently drive higher engagement than single-image ads. Use a series of images that showcase your dental practice’s unique qualities and tell an interesting narrative.

Tip 8: Timing matters

Schedule your dental ads on a macro- and micro-level based on when patients have the need and availability to place a call to your business. Schedule dental cleaning ads for the new year when dental benefits renew or show ads during times of the day when people are more likely to be scrolling Facebook and are available to place a phone call to schedule an appointment.

Optimize Your Facebook Landing Pages

Providing a rewarding landing page experience once dental leads click your ad will create a consistent experience and help you gain trust. Use these tips to ensure a great cross-channel experience.

Tip 9: Optimize your landing pages for mobile

67% of social media users access platforms through mobile apps. This means they’re using Facebook in a digital environment specifically designed to provide a rewarding mobile experience. When users click on your ad and land on your page, it’s important to provide an equally good user experience. Optimize for mobile and give users a responsive page that is easily readable and navigable on their smartphones.

Tip 10: Make it easy to call

Click-to-call buttons are easy to find and automatically dial your business. Place them above the fold on every page to make it easy for prospective patients to find your phone number.

Tip 11: Track the calls your landing pages drive

You can also use a call tracking solution to understand how your landing page variations are driving the calls to your business. They can tell you not only how many calls you’re driving, but also how many of those calls are from new patients and how many ultimately convert to appointments. You can push this data into Facebook Ads manager or view it in custom dashboards. With these insights, you can optimize your Facebook ads and landing pages to drive more new patients at a lower CPL.

Tip 12: Personalize the patient experience

Because dental patients are local patients, tailor content with a local touch. Direct users to a landing page that’s customized to them, from messaging, to imagery, to a local phone number. When they call, use their location and online interactions to automatically route them to your closest location. Or if you send calls to a call center, route them to the best agent to assist them based on what you know about the caller. Again, a call tracking solution can help you route callers and provide data on them to your call center agents at the time of the call.

Drive More ROI from Social Media Advertising with Invoca

Invoca has a suite of no-code Social Advertising integrations for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and Snapchat. These easy-to-install integrations work seamlessly with your existing workflows and allow you to: 

  • Accurately measure campaigns: Track the phone leads and conversions driven by your social advertising to understand their true performance and impact on business results.
  • Optimize marketing spend: Make more informed social ad spend decisions that optimize for better engagement, higher conversion rates, more revenue for the business, and less wasted ad spend.
  • Improve retargeting and suppression: Stop wasting your budget on costly retargeting to converted customers. Focus your ad spend on highly engaged prospects that are known leads to convert them and keep them from going to the competition. 
  • Build higher-performing lookalike audiences: Create lookalike audiences based on your most valuable social media phone leads for better-performing advertising and ROAS.

To learn how Invoca’s social advertising integrations can help you drive more ROI, request your personal demo today.

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