
Using call tracking and analytics to get full visibility of the customer journey

Weitz & Luxenberg is a law firm with a formidable digital presence. But when it came time for potential clients to call, they also had a huge marketing data blind spot.
increased conversion rate by segmenting calls to specialists
decrease in cost per retainer
more leads attributed to online marketing campaigns
Using call tracking and analytics to get full visibility of the customer journey
"No matter where our ad is, with Invoca we get the attribution. It’s no longer a gut-check—now I have the proof, I know whether or not the ad buy is working and if it’s making the right people call."
Bill Denninger
Director of Business Operations at Weitz & Luxenberg

The Mission

The marketing team at Weitz & Luxenberg has their hands in the pot of virtually every known advertising channel. From television to radio to direct mail to digital, they do it all. The law firm assists people injured by asbestos exposure, defective drugs, or medical devices as well as environmental issues, and they need to be everywhere their potential clients might be.

Digital advertising and media is a major focus for them, as 31 percent of their clients find them on the internet, whether that be through paid search, social media, or organic results from their SEO efforts. On top of that, they know that the greatest advantage of digital advertising is that everything is trackable. The digital journey can be traced from the first click to the last, and they need to optimize every step of the way to make sure each ad dollar is well spent.

We can track PPC, Facebook ads, content, form submissions—from digital, there’s a tremendous amount of information that allows us to determine what is the most effective place to use our money. The problem is, this all falls apart when someone picks up the phone.
Bill Denninger, Director of Business Operations at Weitz & Luxenbuerg

The Challenge

Legal marketers face a unique challenge because, by law, clients have to reach out to them directly to initiate a relationship. That means somewhere along the line, potential clients have to call the firm, fill out an online form, or walk into one of their offices. But it’s usually over the phone, as 69 percent of potential clients choose to call. When a potential client fills out a form on one of their landing pages and ends up retaining the firm to represent them, Weitz & Luxenberg gets all the data they need to attribute that new client to every digital touchpoint. However, when they call instead, the trail goes cold. “I went to the managing partner to talk about what channels were performing best, what was outperforming, we looked at each other and just had no idea. I waved to the hot dog vendor on the corner, and said ‘That guy knows more about his business than we do about ours.' That’s how little we knew when it came to calls,” said Denninger.

The problem was, we had no link through the funnel for phone calls. With digital, I can spend $50,000 in three different places, and be able to tell you how many people retained with us, and which was most efficient. With phone calls, it was just a guess.
Bill Denninger, Director of Business Operations at Weitz & Luxenbuerg

They were using tracking phone numbers for web, Facebook, TV, and billboards, but all that gave them was how many phone calls any one of them generated. “With unique 800 numbers, all you know is how many calls were generated, and maybe the duration, but you can’t tell directly what client came from which marketing dollar spent,” said Denninger. “The only way we could try to get attribution was to ask the person on the phone ‘how did you hear about us?’, and of course, that’s never accurate.” What resulted was a fundamental breakdown of marketing attribution.

“There’s a reason why Google is Google and Facebook is Facebook, it’s because they’re so efficient and you know everything that happens. We needed that same kind of data for phone calls.”

The Resolution

Weitz & Luxenberg began using Invoca and gained the ability to attribute marketing dollars spent to retained cases, allowing them to follow clients through the whole funnel and optimize all of their marketing spend. Weitz & Luxenberg also used Shuttle, a product developed by Lunar to integrate call data alongside other marketing channel data directly into Salesforce. They also gained:

Attribution from every channel
What was once a huge gray area became a 1:1 relationship between marketing dollars spent and clients retained. And that’s not just attribution for digital. Weitz & Luxenberg advertises through the internet, television, radio, magazines—virtually any media type you can imagine. According to Denninger, “No matter where our ad is, with Invoca we get the attribution. It’s no longer a gut-check—now I have the proof, I know whether or not the ad buy is working and if it’s making the right people call.”

Data granularity for precise optimization
Weitz & Luxenberg spends millions of dollars a year on advertising in dozens of locations, so the ability to dissect, understand, and accumulate data is critical to making intelligent marketing decisions. “The biggest advantage that we have gained is granularity in attribution, because we can give our marketing team the information they need to know where to fish. And it’s not just which lake, but exactly what spot in the lake nets them the most fish, and the right fish, with the least amount of effort and spend.”

A 360-degree view of the marketing funnel
With the use of Shuttle, integrating Invoca with Salesforce and other back-end systems has allowed them to get a complete package of marketing data. Form submission data is combined with Invoca call data, allowing them to finally understand where customers came from and where the best place to advertise to them is, as well as allowing them to calculate marketing metrics.

No matter where our ad is, with Invoca we get the attribution. It’s no longer a gut-check—now I have the proof, I know whether or not the ad buy is working and if it’s making the right people call.
Bill Denninger, Director of Business Operations at Weitz & Luxenbuerg

The Results

  • 14% increased conversion rate by segmenting calls to specialists
  • 28% decrease in cost per retainer
  • 17% more leads attributed to online marketing campaigns

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