call tracking

Call tracking software for complete marketing attribution

The best call tracking solution to get attribution for every phone conversion and get more from your marketing budget.
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Invoca shows us exactly how much value each marketing campaign is driving. We can then double down on what’s working and cut what’s not.
Kellyanne Perez-Vera - Marketing Activations Manager, Verizon
Kellyanne Perez-Vera, Marketing Activations Manager

Drive More Leads

Get granular attribution down to the keyword to fully understand how your campaigns drive conversions over the phone. With clear visibility of customer intent and lead quality, you can optimise every campaign to drive more leads online and over the phone.

Defend Your Budget

Marketers who don’t use call tracking systems can’t accurately account for 50% or more of the conversions they drive. With AI-powered call analytics, you can get credit for every conversion you drive to prove your true marketing performance and defend every £ you spend.  

Reduce Wasted Spend

Stop wasting your marketing budget driving calls that don’t result in conversions. With Invoca's call tracking software, you can automatically measure intent, outcomes, and conversions to understand your best-performing media and stop wasting budget on campaigns that don’t work.
Complete multi-channel attribution

Complete multi-channel attribution

Get attribution for every conversion your marketing campaigns drive over the phone. Whether the call originates from search, social, your website, or virtually any other channel, you can see the full digital-to-phone call path and know exactly what’s driving the best leads.
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Improve marketing ROI

Armed with true attribution, you can account for conversions that come from online clicks and offline calls to make data-driven optimisation decisions that reduce your overall CPA and boost your ROAS.
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Improve marketing ROI
Activate call analytics data in your martech tools

Activate call analytics data in your martech tools

The #1 reason our customers switched to Invoca’s call tracking software from another provider is our integrations. Why? Simply put, because they work. Invoca’s integrations enable you to activate conversion data from phone calls in virtually any ad platform. Automatically optimise your campaigns and keyword bidding to decrease your cost per acquisition, increase conversion rates, and drive more revenue with Invoca's no-code and low-code integrations.
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AI call analytics accurately measure call quality

With Invoca and Signal AI, you can automatically and accurately measure the quality of phone leads and the impact those calls have on the business. Signal AI is powered by Invoca’s patented machine learning, generative AI, and voice biometric technologies that transform every conversation into actionable insights.
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AI call analytics accurately measure call quality
Drive more revenue from pay per call programs

Drive more revenue from pay per call programs

Whether you’re an advertiser, publisher, or agency, you can drive more pay per call revenue with Invoca’s call tracking services. Optimise your campaigns with call conversion data to drive more high-quality leads. Get independent, verifiable data in real time to validate every call you buy or sell. And streamline your pay per call program by managing all of your partners, campaigns, and payouts in one place.
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Recover lost sales opportunities

Invoca’s call tracking tool includes our Missed Opportunity Signals that detect when high-intent sales calls are not answered by the contact centre or business locations. From there, AI-powered smart alerts immediately notify managers when calls go unanswered so they can re-engage the conversation and rescue the conversion.
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Recover lost sales opportunities

Call Tracking FAQs

What is call tracking software, and why do I need It?

How does call tracking software work?

How does call tracking help marketers?

How does call tracking assist in reducing wasted marketing spend?

How does Invoca enhance digital marketing with call tracking?

What role does AI play in Invoca call tracking?

How does Invoca help optimise paid search campaigns?